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AdjacentChannel Modulator| 16Way Mixer|

 16-Way Mixer Features:



*.The circuit structure adopts combination of Transmission line transformers.


*.Key magnetic materials are imported from Japan.


*. High return loss, high mutual isolation, broadinput frequency band.


*. Identical features for each input port, input channels can be mutually exchanged freely.


*.19-inch standard cabinet is suitable for installation.







有线电视器材放大器-邻频调制器-卫星电视器材-微波电视传输设备-湖南长沙航天和一电子仪器厂 All Rights Reserved @2002
Address: 湖南省长沙市望城坡航天大院

Telephone: 0731-8147436, 13755148565 EMail: djt88@126.com